Wednesday, November 2, 2016

-- Episode 9.43 --

Joseph Smith's Wives #14 & 15 (Co-host: Earl Erskine)
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  1. Please respond to my comment. Is there a way you can make your show an hour long again?

    1. Hi Mary, we are so glad that you enjoy our program and are enthusiastic about it enough to want us to lengthen it! That's a great encouragement to us. And you do ask an important question. When we originally had our live hour-long program on TV-20, the last half of the program was usually taken up by telephone calls and other "unscripted" events. But the first part of her program was meticulously planned out, which took many, many hours of work, study, and research on Doris' part, every week. And this is in addition to her other responsibilities as the director of A Shield and Refuge Ministry! When TV-20 was sold, and we were no longer a "live" program, we cut our time back to half an hour (since we wouldn't be taking phone calls). However, the time and effort that Doris puts in to each episode hasn't changed. So the simple answer to your question of why we don't do a full hour is there just aren't enough hours in the day! If the Lord should provide us more resources and people dedicated to developing these programs, lengthening the program might be something we can consider; but for now, we are operating on "full steam". But thank you very much for asking this question, and we trust you'll continue to keep watching...even if we are "only" a half hour!

  2. I love your show and will keep watching! I have seen every one of them. I understand. Keep up the great work. I was never Mormon, but was raised in a cult that is now evangelical, The e Worldwide Church of God, by Herbert W. Armstrong. Your show has helped me overcome the cult issues I dealt with for so many years. I'm praying for your ministry and the thousands and thousands of people affected by polygamy.


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